• What is the shipping time?

    Orders are shipped within 2-3 business days (excluding weekends and holidays). Shipping takes 4-5 business days for larger artwork due to its size and fragility.

  • Can I pick up my order instead of ship?

    Yes! At checkout, you have the option to choose between shipping or pickup. If you are local, simply select the pickup option. After payment confirmation, I will send a follow-up email to arrange a convenient day and time for pickup.

  • Do you do returns?

    I hope to avoid processing returns, but I understand that art can sometimes look different online than in person. I strive to provide detailed descriptions and high-quality photos. If you are unsatisfied within one week of receiving the artwork, I will issue a refund or an exchange for an item of equal value.

  • Do you do commissions?

    I do not typically take commissions, as they can take the fun out of creating for me. However, if you would like an original artwork done by me and are willing to give me creative control, I would be happy to take on a commissioned piece.

  • Do you host private events?

    Absolutely! Please refer to my 'Rajine the Queen' Events page for further details.